Kenton Knepper - Esp Draw and Read System

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2183 Posts

Posted: Oct 7, 2013 06:09 pm
*** Yep at kickoff I had decided to leave this out from my previous postal service thinking it too long. Notwithstanding if you are like myself a True Mentalism Fan and dearest studying this, you should enjoy going through the list. AGAIN I'One thousand WILLING TO Merchandise too though this is NOT the place or spot for it. Some of these books are very advanced anyways. I've REALLY gotten BIG into learning ILLUSIONS. Any JC Sum, Jarrett, Gaughan, Steinmeyer Books equally well as Neal Scryer and Jerome Finely would be overnice. I accept Mark Parker's Illusion Book. Quondam Stuff from Will Goldston, the vii Paul Osbourne Books, 3 from James Hodges though they're in French and my favorite The seven Basic Principles To Illusion Design by Eric Van Duzer. I LOVED Morritt's Blank. ***
(I�ve gotten � of this stuff Physically, some of the Videos I got at Magician HQ, Lybrary Dot Com, and a couple years ago a friend who was a Ex Mentalism, sold me TONS of stuff in Majority for $1,000.00 flat some of information technology was online he bought, some was Physical 1/3 Items. I�ve mentioned this Other Places I know only things I�chiliad 100% AGAINST is Plants, Stooges, Confederates (ALL SAME Affair), Instant Stooges, Dual Reality, With Koran�south Medallion Being A Exception, and �Hidden� Pre-Prove Work. I Started out in Magic, and �Technically� Mentalism 22 years ago, was Heavily into Escapology, fifty-fifty doing Underwater Escapes, but haven�t done that in 17 years. While I do Shows Magic, Mentalism, and Hypnosis Shows xc% of what I practice is �Street Busking� for 17 Years same identify, same fourth dimension for 17 Summers. I became interested in Hypnosis, even NLP to a Lesser Degree in 2006. I became a Bodily Certified Hypnotist on nine-7-07 through H.M.I., a Home Course, and my Best TRAINING was the 18 DVD Ready, 33 Hours Through Omni Hypnosis Taught by a LEADING Hypnotist, and Instructor Jerry Kein. I�ve Learned through similar 22 more Hours from his Individual DVDS. So I�m much more into it on a Clinical Level, and accept my own MP3 Site http://world wide, to Help Others. As of this writing on my youtube with 472 Videos 50% Hypnotherapy l% Magic & Mentalism. I�ve DONE Entertainment Hypnosis, have the McGill Encyclopedia, Richard Nongard & Michael Johns Little Blackness Book Of Stage Hypnosis, some Inductions on DVD From Richard�s Site, besides as the Geoffrey Ronning Book. Simply a picayune virtually me )
1) Mind Myth & Magick
ii) Paramiracles
3) Theater Of The Listen
four) The Amateur�s Sorcerer Handbook
five) Prism (Not a Favorite to me I�m Against St*o** Work)
half-dozen) Devious Contraptions
vii) Peek Performances
eight) Larry Becker�s World Of Super Mentalism
ix) Craig Karges Mentalism With You In Mind
10) 13 Steps Of Mentalism
xi) Practical Mental Effects
12) Easy To Main Mental Miracles 1-4
13) Mind Mysteries 1-7
14) Max Maven�s Video Heed 1-4
xv) Banachek & Gerry�s Psychokinetic Silverware
16) Docc Hilford�s Mentalism Videos one-four
17) Corinda�a xiii Steps On DVD
18) Practical Mental Furnishings On DVD 1-half dozen
xix) Bob Cassidy�south Mental Miracles
20) Ted Lesely�s Mentalism Record
21) Mental Masterpieces Larry Becker
22) Jon Tremaine�south Close-Upwardly Mental Act - SUCKED
23) In My Mind I (No Offence To Luca Simply A Very Bad Purchase)
24) No Camera Tricks 1-three
25) Alive Without A Net 1-3
26) Max Maven�s Nothing one-two
27) The Mentalist�s Transmission, Nelson
28) Black Box Cinema
29) The Act : Beyond Fundamentals
xxx) Journal Of The Listen : Greg Arce
31) Periodical Of The Heed : Bob Cassidy
32) Journal Of The Mind : Alain Nu
33) Journal Of The Mind : Stuart Cumberland
34) Journal Of The Heed : John Riggs
35) Journal Of The Mind : Jack Kent Tillar
36) Journal Of The Heed : Maurice Fogel
37) Journal Of The Mind : Mark Strivings
38) Mindful Mentalism Volume one
39) Craig Browning�due south (Easy or Free at Lybrary Guide To Mentalism)
40) Bob Cassidy�s Fundamentals, AND his 39 Steps.
41) Art Of Mentalism BookS 1-3
42) Theories For The Applied Psychic
43) Mind Razor
44) Moldovian Switch - KILLER
45) Invisible Mirror
46) RV Tester
47) Black Book Of Mentalist - KILLER
48) Confessions Of Dr. Crow
49) Universe And Practical Ebook Of Practical Mentalism
fifty) Triple Edge
51) The Existent Work Of Cold Reading
52) Mentalism Lecture (I love the Bla** L*P ***** Idea)
53) Strange 2
54) Scorpio�s Message
55) Side Furnishings
56) Return Of The White Dwarf
57) Mind Explosions
58) Pseudo Mentally Yours
59) Exclusive Routines
60) Dr. Crow�s Psychic Secrets
61) Mentalist & Magick
62) Crossroads Crosswords
63) The Hanussen Proof
64) Strange Impressions
65) Bent On Strange
66) Extremely Remote
67) Mind Games
68) The Schattenjaeger
69) The Heresies
70) Complete Principia Mentalism - VERT EXCELLENT BOOK
71) Heart Tear - xviii Magazines
72) Burling Hull�s 3 Volumes Lexicon / Encyclopedia Books
73) Bascom Jones 5 Volume Set (and then much tuff don�t know where to outset only skim)
74) Dr. Charles (Cicardi�s) Scott 2 DVD Gear up �The Projection�
75) Between Two Minds
76) Swami & Mantra
77) Bob Cassidy�southward �S�ance�
78) Millard Grubb �South�ance�
79) Headline Predictions
80) Clipboard Miracles
81) Grant�s Mental Magic (Thank God For LYBRARY�South Site)
82) Gems Of Mental Magic
83) Dead Velvet - Docc Hilford
84) Andy Nyman - Brusk, Punchy, and Mental
85) Andy Nyman - Kosher Products
86) Andy Nyman - Fight Dirty Lecture Notes
87) Get Nyman (Spelmann�s Series Is BETTER Than This And McLeod�s DVD�southward)
88) Janus Pad MANUSCRIPT Only - Andrew Edmonds
89) Sniper Pad MANUSCRIPT Simply - Al Straker
90) The Scanner
91) Duplo
92) The Twin
93) The Entire Jinx
94) Digital Pabular
95) The Entire Pentagram
96) The Apocalypse one-10
97) Friends Of Friend I & Two
98) The Whole Tarbell (Particularly iv & half-dozen)
99) 25 One Man Mind Reading Secrets
100) Conventionalities
101) Prune Sight
102) Deeper Underground
103) Dynamic Duo
104) Envelopology I
105) Envelopology Two
106) Escaping The Restraints Of Reality
107) Mentalism Unleashed
108) Mindblasters
109) Mindblasters Two
110) Mindblasters U.s.A. (GREAT BOOKS)
111) Nephthys
112) Lift (Bang-up Technique)
113) Stunners Plus (A EXTREMELY, Extremely Great Book & VIDEOS)
114) The Gate Book I
115) The Gate Volume 2
116) The Noesis I
117) The Noesis Ii
118) How To Get Away With Murder
119) C.L. Boarde Mainly Mental Volumes one-three
120) World Of Super Mentalism Two
121) Mentalism For Magicians
122) John Northern Hilliard�s �Greater Magic� Kaufman 1994 Edition
123) Joe Berg - The Berg Book
124) Managing director�s Cut DVD & Manuscript
125) Julian Moore - Heart Tear Post It
126) Annemann�s Carte du jour Magic
127) Annemann�southward One Man�southward Psychic Act
128) Annemann�s 202 Methods of Forcing (Groovy Stuff)
129) Annemann�s Mental Bargain Effects
130) Annemann�due south Buried Treasures
131) Annemann�s Incorporated Strange Secrets
132) Annemann�due south $50.00 Manuscript
133) Annemann�due south Exam Of The Tiber
134) Annemann�s En Rapport
135) Annemann�s Shhhhh It�s A Undercover
136) Annemann�s Volume With No Name
137) Annemann�southward The Main�due south Touch
138) Cameron Francis - Annihilation Deck
139) Mike Close�s Workers 1-5 (Information technology has Mentalism Pieces)
140) The Doctor�south Barracks Tear
141) Looch Your Thoughts Are Mine I & Ii (Dear THIS)
142) Al Mann 50 Miracles With The 5 Star Deck
143) Al Human 101 Psychic Tests
144) Al Isle of man A Bibliography
145) Al Mann Acidus - A Method For Thought Reading
146) Al Isle of man Acidus Novus
147) Al Isle of mann Al Baker�s Manuscript
148) Al Mann Axel Hellstrom Heed Reader Extraordinary
149) Al Mann Black Box
150) Al Isle of mann Brain Buster �83
151) Al Isle of man Challenges
152) Al Mann - Dunninger Mystic Series - MS D - Master Billet Test
153) Al Mann - Dunninger Series - MS B -Simplified - Crystal Gazing
154) Al Mann - Dunninger - MS E - Modern Spirit Due south�ances
155) Al Man - Dunninger� Human action 7-xiii
156) Al Mann - Glass Box Prediction
157) Al Isle of man - Lecture Notes
158) Al Mann - Levitation
159) Al Mann - Magic Castle Lecture Notes
160) Al Mann - Memo Move
161) Al Mann - Mental Parcel
162) Al Mann - Mind Your Poker
163) Al Mann - Naked Thought
164) Al Mann - No Homo Within - Advanced Techniques For The Mentalist
165) Al Mann - Phantagraphs For The Mentalist
166) Al Mann - Phantom Voices
167) Al Mann - Pieces Of Eight
168) Al Isle of mann - Psychic Wizardry
169) Al Isle of man - Six Incommunicable Things
170) Al Mann - The Knights Gambit
171) Al Mann - The Sybilline Message
172) Al Isle of man - Threshold Of Miracle
173) Brian Caswells - Trilogy
174) Brian Caswell - Cataclysm
175) Chuck Hickok - Mentalism Incorporated
176) Espionage Wallet DVD
177) F1 Nitro DVD (He just needs The Wallets As He Saw DVDS)
178) Paul Hallas - Listen Stuff DVD 1
179) Paul Hallas - Listen Stuff DVD 2
180) Patrick Kuffs - Listen Stunts DVD 1
181) Patrick Kuffs - Listen Stunts DVD2
182) Richard Osterlind Penguin Lecture
183) Marc Spelmann Penguin Lecture
184) Paul Draper Penguin Lecture
185) Devin Knight Penguin Lecture
186) Mark Strivings Penguin Lecture
187) Colin McLeod Penguin Lecture
188) Ian Rowland Penguin Lecture
189) Ian Rowland Alpha Mentalism
190) Ian Rowland Full Facts Book Of Common cold Reading
191) James Bill Extremely Mental Tool Kit
192) Kennedy Thoughts So Far (Good Thinking Here)
193) Colin McLeod Opening Minds DVD Set up
194) Jon Thompson Naked Mentalism (Did Intendance For)
195) Looch Penguin Lecture
196) John Riggs - God�s With Feet Of Clay 1-5 DVDs (KILLER)
197) John Riggs - Psychic Epiphanies DVDs 1-2
198) Jose Prager Mind Veil (NOT, not A Good Buy)
199) John Riggs - Psychic Pselections
200) John Riggs - Heavy Mental 1-3
201) John Riggs - The Compleat Fortune Teller
202) John Riggs - The Even Compleater Fortune Teller
203) John Riggs - The Psychic Agenda
204) John Riggs - The Mentalist�s Cloak-and-dagger Weapon
205) John Riggs - Psychic Soirees
206) John Riggs - The Suburban Charlatan (I Similar This As It Has The �Hull Card�)
207) John Riggs - The Messiah Process (I Disagree Though That Hypnosis Creates Cults)
208) John Riggs - Fat Free Mentalism
209) John Riggs - Psychic Psingularities
210) John Riggs - He Has A Auto-Biography On Him I Think HE Wrote.
211) John Riggs - Q & A My Manner
212) David Hoy - The Bold And Subtle Miracles Of Dr. Faust
213) Derren Brown - The Devil�s Flick Volume ane-2 DVDs
214) Derren Dark-brown - Pure Effect
215) Derren Brown - Absolute Magic
216) Kirk Charles - Marked For Life
217) Piece of cake Mentalism (Okay for Those Starting Out Merely We ALL Know It�s Not Like shooting fish in a barrel)
218) Larry Becker - Assuming Business organisation
219) Lee Earle - Syzygy M.I.N.D.
220) Lee Earle - Syzygy The Showtime Five Volumes
221) Lee Earle Manifestations (The Best EVER Due south�ance Book & PICTURES EVER)
222) Lee Earle - The Best Of Syzygy DVDS 1-iii (Love Limerick Maneuver)
223) Lee Earle - Video Teach Ins For Q & A 1-3
224) Jack Dean - Objective
225) Jack Dean - Replication (Great Effect)
226) Jack Dean - The Equivoque Choice
227) Jack Dean - Trilogy
228) Jas Jakutsch - Completely Mental ane-3 (Gary Kurtz)
229) Jason Palter - Third Degree Burn
230) Lee Earle - 1, ii, iii, Trilogy
231) Lee Earle - Out Of Syzygy
232) Lee Earle - Argent Bullet (Which Yes I HAVE and Like Particularly Card Mentalism)
233) Lee Earle - Sun Signs
234) Lee Earle - Early Earle
235) Lee Earle - Super Script
236) Lee Earle - The Gentle Art Of Common cold Reading (Premium Uno)
237) Lee Earle - Zenner Cycle
238) Larry Becker - Book Test four Dummies
239) Larry Becker - Euro Bout, 1989
240) Phil Goldstein - Focus
241) Phil Goldstein - Doth
242) Kenton Knepper - Kolossal Killer
243) Kenton Knepper - iii Way Billet
244) Kenton Knepper - Alexander Opera House
245) Kenton Knepper - An Enchanted Evening
246) Kenton Knepper - Bent Cent
247) Kenton Knepper - Card Through Banknote
248) Kenton Knepper - Completely Common cold I
249) Kenton Knepper - Completely Common cold II
250) Kenton Knepper - Thought Implantation (Not A Great Method At All No Surprise)
251) Kenton Knepper - SAR (I�ve skimmed this and WOW I�yard Intrigued As a Hypnotist)
252) Kenton Knepper - Date With Destiny I
253) Kenton Knepper - Hermit Dream
254) Kenton Knepper - Kentonism
255) Kenton Knepper - Killer Card 2
256) Kenton Knepper - Killer Konceptions
257) Kenton Knepper - Killer Konceptions (1)
258) Kenton Knepper - Little Book Of Wonders
259) Kenton Knepper - Lilliputian Book Of Wonders 1
260) Kenton Knepper - Lucky Number
261) Kenton Knepper - MindReading
262) Kenton Knepper - Miracles Of Suggestions
263) Kenton Knepper - Kenton
264) Kenton Knepper - Miraculous Ploys
265) Kenton Knepper - Okitodoll
266) Kenton Knepper - Rants Into Raves
267) Kenton Knepper - Wizard Series 1
268) Kenton Knepper - Sorcerer Serial ii
269) Kenton Knepper - Sorcerer Serial 3
270) Kenton Knepper - Sorcerer Series (1)
271) Kenton Knepper - The Band
272) Kenton Knepper - Three Beak Monte
273) Kenton Knepper - Ten
274) Kenton Knepper - Tippler2
275) Kenton Knepper - Web1
276) Kenton Knepper - Weird Plenty
277) Kenton Knepper - Wonder Wizards Private Files
278) Kenton Knepper - Wonder Words 1
279) Kenton Knepper - Wonder Words 2
280) Kenton Knepper - Wonder Words 3
281) Kenton Knepper & Rex Sikes - Wonder Readings
282) Kenton Knepper & Rex Sikes - Wonder Readings II
283) Docc Hilford - 1,000 Dollar Underground S�ance
284) Docc Hilford - At The Mountains Of Madness
285) Docc Hilford - Ball And Cube
286) Docc Hilford - Brawl & Tube
287) Docc Hilford - Ring Of The Manus
288) Docc Hilford - Fire Witch Burn down
289) Docc Hilford - The Rosini Hush-hush (Prissy from what I�ve read thus far)
290) Docc Hilford - The Richey Technique
291) Docc Hilford - Boudoir Card Reading
292) Docc Hilford - Cards Cairo
293) Docc Hilford - System 88 (LOVE THIS simply as I practice Kenton�due south SAR)
294) Docc Hilford - Cassandra Deck
295) Docc Hilford - Cellular Mitosis
296) Docc Hilford - Center Tear
297) Docc Hilford - Dance Of The Shiva (Though I Detest Ripping of Whatsoever kind Heard This Was hard to Read and Understand though Tiptop NOTCH. I wish too due to the Ages I perform for 75% wind up Being High School College, I�d Then LOVE to Read His �Cinderella Deed�).
298) Docc Hilford - Dark Cloak
299) Docc Hilford - E�VoQue
300) Docc Hilford - Fem Fatale
301) Docc Hilford - it�due south a LuLu
302) Docc Hilford - Lolita System
303) Docc Hillford - The Star Tradeshow Act
304) Docc Hilford - Little Blackness Volume Test 1997 (I Heard and Saw Reviews this SUCKED every bit some pages weren�t where they needed to be).
305) Docc Hilford - The Book Of Numbers one
306) Docc Hilford - The Book Of Numbers ii
307) Docc Hilford - The Book Of Numbers 3
308) Docc Hilford - Raputin�s Secrets
309) Docc Hilford - Sideshow
310) Docc Hillford - Number six
311) Docc Hilford - Nostrum Necromancy
312) Docc Hilford - The Sealed Tome 2
313) Docc Hilford - Mephisto Journay
314) Docc Hilford - ii New Invocations
315) Docc Hilford - The Serpent Wallet MANUSCRIPT
316) Banachek - Psychokinetic TOUCHES
317) Banachek - Psychological Subtleties one
318) Banachek - Psychological Subtleties 2
319) Banachek - Psychological Subtleties three
320) Banachek - Psychokinetic Time
321) Banachek - Psychophysiological Thought Reading
322) Banachek - Taming The Poltergeist
323) Banachek - PreThoughts
324) Banachek - Card Revelations, Telephone Bullet Catch, and More
325) Banachek - Easy Effects
326) Banachek - Effects
327) Banachek - How To Read People�s Minds
328) Barrie Richardson - A Boon For All Seasons (I�ve Mentioned Theater � already)
329) Barrie Richardson - Curtain Call (I just need Act Two Which I�ll Get)
330) Barrie Richardson - Astonishing Rice Jar �.
331) Barrie Richardson - Concepts and Deceptions
332) Barrie Richardson - Impossible Knot Routine
333) Barrie Richardson - Easter Egg Divination (Was in Linking Band Besides I Recollect)
334) Barrie Richardson - Impromptu Carte At Any Number
335) Barrie Richardson - Minds In Unison 2000
336) Barrie Richardson - Optical Brainwave Slow Motility
337) Barrie Richardson - Vii Modest Miracles Yous Can Do
338) Barrie Richardson - Some Thoughts On Mentalism
339) Barrie Richardson - Subtleties, Boldness, Misdirection
338) Barrie Richardson - There Are Two Sides To Every Prediction
339) Ben Rayot - Mortiferous Mentalism
340) All Magic Magazine Volumes ane-5 (Has Good Mentalism)
341) Richard Mark - Mind Warp (I just need his other book)
342) Bruce Bernstein - Going South With His Secrets
343) Bruce Bernstein - 20 Effects
344) Bruce Bernstein - Middle Tear Technique
345) Bruce Bernstein - Classics
346) Bruce Bernstein - On Number Predictions
347) Bruce Bernstein - Perception Is Everything (VERY True)
348) Bruce Bernstein - Psych Out (I think his �Jonah Card� is likewise obvious though)
349) Brian Halliday - Invisible Banana (Not My Cup Of Tea)
350) David Britland - The Mind and Magic Of David Berglas ( Yous MUST Read �Riddle Of The Sands� a KILLER Drawing Duplication BIG Scale).
351) Devin Knight & Jerome Finely - Cloud Busting Secrets (Non a Favorite)
352) Dunninger - Ex Libris
353) Ford Kross - Out Of The Deep Freeze
354) Martin Gardner - Encyclopedia Of Impromptu Magic
355) Herb Dewey - Mind-blowing Psychic Readings
356) Herb Dewey - Psychobabble
357) Herb Dewey - Scarlet Hot Cold Reading (This Guy�s Style Is A Bit Odd)
358) Herb Dewey and Seville - King Of Cold Readers
359) Jim Coles - Psychokinetic Deceptions
360) Wesley James - Enchantments (Though a Card Book Final Chapter Goes Mental)
361) Marc Spelmann - Chapters 4 DVD Set. (THE BEST I LOVE the N.A.Thousand.D. Deck)
362) Marc Spelmann - Glimpse (I only need #2 now)
363) Marc Spelmann - 101108 Lecture Notes
364) Ted Karmilovich - No Prop Mentalism Act AND Nutrient For Idea
365) Ted Karmilovich - Thoughts From Vegas (When I got The Thou.O.A.B.T. Index Version from Tannen�due south this was thrown in for gratuitous. 17 is Keen).
366) Looch - S.A.D.
367) Alain Nu- Nu-Wave Reloaded
368) Alain Nu - Secrets and Realities
369) Alain Nu - Serial Thrillers (Stuff Is A Flake Avant-garde)
370) Alain Nu - Astrologic
371) Neil Scryer and Richard Webster - The Practical Psychics Little White Book (NICE)
372) Guy Bavli - Between 2 Minds DVD 1-3
373) Guy Bavli - Between three Minds DVD 1-3 (Haim has a nice Unproblematic Drawing Gull)
374) E. Raymond Carlyle - The Carlyle Touch. (OMG, merely pure Gold Here)
375) E. Raymond Carlyle A.K.A. Ed Fowler - Close Up Mentalism (Great Stuff)
376) Paolo Cavalli and Greg Arce - The Flytrap Experience
377) Paolo Cavalli and Greg Arce - Ideas And Workings for Gratuitous Will
378) Paolo Cavalli - Upsilon
379) Paolo Cavalli and Massimo Tira - Omicorn (Slap-up Thinking In These Books)
380) Lincoln - Shhhh The Sneaky Writing Handbook DVD
381) Allen Zingg - Billet Work Volume One (OMG I at present NEED two-4 DVDS)
382) Paul Stockman - Connected DVDS 1-2
383) Stefan Olschewski - Mentalities DVDS 1-2
384) Al Koran - Legacy
385) Al Koran - Professional Presentations
386) Alain Nu - Thirty Hardcore Mentalism
387) Marking Elsdon - Devastation
388) Mark Elsdon - Mentalism Reveals
389) Bruce Bernstein - Mindvention 2005
390) Justin Higham - Reflections On Reflectors
391) Jim Callahan - Something More
392) Gary Sumter - Shivers
393) Matthew Shepherd - The Big Bumper Ebook Of Series Number Divinations
394) Ernest Earick - By Forces Unseen
395) Pecker Nagler - ACAAN
396) Jay Sankey - Boris Pocus (Yes I DO know it�s more �Mental Magic�)
397) Jay Sankey - 22 Blows To The Head (Yeah I DO know information technology�s more than �Mental Magic�)
398) Patrick Kuffs - Metal Bending
398) Morgan Strebler - The Opener
399) Morgan Strebler - Taste Atmospheric condition
400) *********** - Delusions
401) *********** - Phoenix Peek
402) *********** - Numerology � etc.
403) *********** - Processes (I bought 2 of his videos as seen to a higher place)
404) Dr. Zodiac (Scott) - Dim Mak
405) Dr. Zodiac (Scott) - Untitled
406) Dee Christopher - How To Become Away With Murder
407) Peter Turner - Cartel To Be Assuming (This is hard as we are friends and skype at times. I�m merely non into most of these type methods and Pete knows. He Rocks though J)
408) Peter Turner - Compilation
409) Paul Brooks - Self Service
410) Peter Warlock - The David Berglas File 1
411) Luca Volpe - Nephthys
412) Luca Volpe - Horus
413) Paralabs - Clandestine Impressions (I LOVE and STUDY this volume a lot every bit of belatedly. It�s a MUST, must, buy as the Proceeds go to CHARITY which is THE All-time)
414) Leo Behnke - The Nerveless Mental Surreptitious Of Newmann
415) Jack Dean - Soothsayer
416) Luke Jermay - Real Body Magick
417) Luke Jermay - 7 Deceptions
418) Luke Jermay - 3510
419) Luke Jermay - A Twisted Palm
420) Luke Jermay - Bizarre
421) Luke Jermay - Building Blocks (I LOVED this Read Though Didn�t Agree 100%)
422) Luke Jermay - Central Reservation
423) Luke Jermay - Extended Tossed Out Deck
424) Luke Jermay - Room 101
425) Luke Jermay - Telling Tales
426) Luke Jermay - The 8th Maneuver
427) Luke Jermay - The Big Iii
428) Luke Jermay - The Coral Fang
429) Richard Busch - Peek Encores (Above I Mention Peek Performances Already To Me My Favorite)
430) Richard Busch - Instant Q & A
431) Richard Busch - MEMOrable
432) Richard Busch - Destiny Response
433) Richard Busch - Untouchable Peek Case
434) Richard Busch - Number Please
435) Richard Busch - The Unmasking Of Jason Michaels
436) Richard Busch - Special Commitment
437) Marking Strivings - Annemann For The xc�southward
438) Mark Strivings - Before The Mantle Rises (As you lot know I DON�T similar this method �Hidden�)
439) Mark Strivings - Effective Mentalism
440) Mark Strivings - Silent Partner (Now Here Is a Method I Need and Employ A Bit).
441) Mark Strivings - Invisible Brainwave
442) Mark Strivings - Miracles From The Hip
443) Mark Strivings - The Unseen Edition
444) Mark Strivings - Sight Unseen Example II
445) Mark Strivings - Mental Mix
446) Mark Strivings - Mobile Mentalism
447) Rick Maue - The Book Of Haunted Magick (Distressing this is a �aside� thing but I in one case had a video of a guy doing like Mentalism / Bizarre Magick and to be honest, it SCARED ME. It was washed past a Tony ? I believe. To me Way OVER THE Summit. He had a PENTAGRAM in the back equally he was doing explanations, he wore a Pentagram Necklace � etc. I gave it abroad. Wait I�chiliad Not, Not, judging anyone but ever since I was four I�ve been in the Church building. At historic period nine I was Baptized. And then at age xx I converted to Catholism. So YES TO ME PERSONALLY in that location is such a affair a �True Evil�. I won�t get into Anton Zsander Lavey, or Ailister Crowley as I Accept studied the stuff But more from a Christian bespeak of view. I accept friends who are Wicca � etc. every bit I Always try to be ACCEPTING of anybody. I�thousand non perfect nor is anyone. I actually got Started doing �Christian Magic� at my Church building at xv when I first got into Performing � etc. I DO love Horror Movies though especially the �Halloween Series�, and I�m a BIG �Metal Caput� Dear Information technology. Just maxim you never know who is in your audience J )
448) Richard Webster - Astrology For The Psychic Entertainer
449) Richard Webster - Cold Reading The Future With Numerology
450) Richard Webster - Common cold Reading Variations
451) Richard Webster - Home Psychic Parties For Fun Or Turn a profit
452) Richard Webster - Money Making Classes For Psychic Development
453) Richard Webster - Psychometry From A - Z
454) Robert Nelson - The Fine art Of Cold Reading AND The Sequel Book
455) Teri Rogers - More Secrets
456) Will �Dexter� - Sealed Vision
457) Sean Fields - 1337 Notes
458) Sean Fields - Explicit Content
459) Stephen Minch - Mind Melds
460) Val Andrews - Un-faked Book Test
461) Josh Zandman - I.B.T. (Impromptu Book Examination). This IS VERY GOOD.
462) William Larsen - The Mental Mysteries � etc. (Non MY FAVORITE)
463) Ormond McGill - ALL VOLUMES of his �Psychic Magic�
464) Nick Trost - Mental Card Magic
465) Nick Trost - Dr. Rhine Outdone
466) Patrick Page - Entertaining Eastward.S.P.
467) Pecker Dekel - Mind Craft : Psionics (I remember reading near this guy�due south stuff and just from what I read IT BLEW MY MIND. I Honey the �Land Forcefulness� hither and never thought forsing a country could be easy. DON�T Similar HIS �AIR Author� so Salvage YOUR MONEY. This guy�s stuff is Basically Hit & Miss)
468) Bill Dekel - Mind Craft : Visions
469) Millard Longman - Thought Reading With Billets Volume ane Acidus �.
470) Ran Pink - Think Pink (My friend had trouble parting with this one so I traded Dicipher Ii for it.)
471) Alain Bellon - Obsidian & Oblique
472) Eugene Burger - Spirit Magic DVD
473) Bombay Prediction
474) The Mentalist�s Pad
475) 20 Stunners With a Boom Author
476) Annemann�s Mental Masterpiece (VERY GREAT Detail)
477) David Hoy�due south Bold Book Exam (I accept this in his book though)
478) 7 Keys To Baldpate
479) Super Bowl Prediction
480) Ultimate Koran Deck
481) Zenner Effect (I�ve Always, Ever loved this hence I got Symbolic)
482) Paul Fox Gimmick (VERY CLEVER)
483) Richard Osterlind - Blackness Box
484) Richard Osterlind - Essays
485) Richard Osterlind - Breakthrough Card System
486) Richard Osterlind - The Perfected Middle Tear
487) Richard Osterlind - Radar Deck Stack
488) Richard Osterlind - The Mind Mystery Books 1-7
489) Richard Osterlind - The Very Modern Mind Reader
490) Richard Osterlind - The Principles Of Magic
491) Richard Osterlind - The Seafire Sequence (Kind Of Confusing On 1st & 2nd Read)
492) Richard Osterlind - Dynamic Mysteries Volumes 1-4
493) Richard Osterlind - The Business concern of Magic
494) Richard Osterlind - The Blindfold Book Volumes i-3
495) Richard Osterlind - Transparent Forces (Very Practiced Quality I LOVE This)
496) Richard Osterlind - Thoughtscan
497) Paul Voodini like his "REAL" Q & A, Not a favorite.
I KNOW I have similar 30 more but you got the gist.
Thanks, God Bless, Ed
"Treat Others As You'd Want To Exist Treated" - Jesus Christ

Seattle, WA
12589 Posts

Posted: Oct 7, 2013 07:xx pm
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but it appears that a lot of the material y'all are offering for trade consists of eBooks, which legally cannot be resold or traded.

Inner circle
Ontario, Canada
2292 Posts

Posted: Oct 7, 2013 07:21 pm
I'm confused are you selling these?? Aren't some of these ebooks?
Twitter @darjames

Inner circumvolve
1193 Posts

Posted: Oct seven, 2013 07:38 pm
You should brand a listing of what yous don't ain. It would be much shorter.

Loyal user
Can't really boast with only
264 Posts

Posted: Oct 7, 2013 07:39 pm
What a list! Impressive.

Inner circle
2183 Posts

Posted: Oct seven, 2013 08:01 pm
On 2013-ten-07 20:20, mastermindreader wrote:
Eddie-I appreciate your enthusiasm, but it appears that a lot of the textile yous are offering for trade consists of eBooks, which legally cannot be resold or traded.
Sorry my Bad. I was wondering how people in the sell, merchandise, ... etc. function can do that legally. Well I don't desire any owners losing money, except for the Money I paid for well-nigh of these in bulk. Human being, information technology was a HUGE FILE TRANSFER like xviii+ hour transfer plus the box of onetime books he had. I DID NOT Not put this up to "Show Off" like look what I take, NO NOT AT ALL. Most know I live on a limited income. I know at LEAST 50% of you lot all particularly the "Big Names" have THOUSANDS of books. Manifestly as noted some I don't care for, whereas some I do. I can't praise T.A. Waters Mind, Myth and Magick. I've read Fundamentals where you talk about having a Story and Character. Out of Theater of The Mind and Paramiracles, I like Paramiracles the Best though information technology'south Cheaper. I got those plus the Waters book at Hank Lees. No like I said at that place are other stuff I'd like. I'd dearest more than stuff by Nelson, I have ZERO stuff past Phantini, Finley, and I just have the the one book by Scryer The White Volume by Psychics which is practiced. ... etc ... etc. PLEASE SEE MY MENTALISM Postal service.
Thank you, God Bless, Ed
P.S. While yep it is a Approving to have these, the only thing is not knowing where to Start or what book to read next. I Do want to read the Bascom Jones "Magick" set though.
"Treat Others As You lot'd Want To Be Treated" - Jesus Christ

Special user
713 Posts

Posted: Oct vii, 2013 08:15 pm
On 2013-10-07 20:21, Darren James wrote:
I'm dislocatedare yous selling these?? Aren't some of these ebooks?
Still non clear. Are you looking for offers?

Inner circle
2183 Posts

Posted: Oct 7, 2013 08:40 pm
Yes BUT I don't want to do anything unethical or hurt any authors. How do people trade on the trading, selling, place on this site? I will say this if it's a LEGAL, and ETHICAL trade certain, but every bit I said not sure how that works.
God Bless, Ed
"Care for Others As You'd Want To Be Treated" - Jesus Christ

Inner circle
Ontario, Canada
2292 Posts

Posted: Oct 7, 2013 08:47 pm
If it's a physical volume (original re-create of course) so for the near function, you should be ok but you can't resell the ebooks. I'1000 sure you will get some better answers from authors on here that will be able to tell you what's what.
Twitter @darjames

Seattle, WA
12589 Posts

Posted: Oct 7, 2013 08:59 pm
It'southward uncomplicated. eBooks cannot be traded OR resold. Think near it. To sell or trade an eBook you lot must send a digital copy of it. Making copies in whatever form (digital OR printed) is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Human activity.
That'south EXACTLY what goes on on the torrent sites.
For your reference, here are the applicable Caf� rules. Note that the selling or trading of eBooks, pdf files, mp3s, etc. is prohibited:
The post-obit items may be sold or traded provided they follow the strict criteria below:Tricks & Effects: Original items produced by the original creator(s). No knock-offs, or pirated items. No tricks downloaded from the net, No PDF files, No MP3'due south, no exceptions. This forum is for tricks and furnishings only, all other items will be removed with no explanation given, no exceptions!
DVD & Video tapes Because of copyright and piracy issues, originals only please. No copies or dupes. No downloaded items from the net. No exceptions. Items other than dvds, video tapes, audio tapes or compact discs posted here will exist removed with no explanation given. No exceptions!.
Books & Lecture notes: Again, only originals. No photocopies, or items downloaded from the cyberspace. No exceptions! Items other than books, books on tape (sound books) or lecture notes posted here, will be removed. No exceptions!

Inner circle
2183 Posts

Posted: Oct 7, 2013 09:15 pm
Okay Bob thank you then much and that makes great sense.
*** TRADING and (or) SELLING OF THE ABOVE Volition NOT HAPPEN FROM ME. Feel complimentary to inquire nigh them, or possibly betoken out favorite routines from these books if you have them. I'll list sometime my Magician stuff which is almost i,000 eBooks and Videos. Anyhow I WILL Non disrespect the Authors of those fine works. Allow's take a stand Against PIRACY. Too WHAT ARE YOUR LIST OF MENTALISM BOOKS / DVDS / ITEMS? At present you don't have to list every single matter just I TOO AM CURIOUS. ***
Thanks AGAIN Bob.
God Bless, Ed
"Care for Others As You'd Want To Be Treated" - Jesus Christ

Inner circle
2183 Posts

Posted: Oct seven, 2013 ten:25 pm
"Care for Others Every bit You'd Want To Be Treated" - Jesus Christ
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